
Santa Rosa Junior College

  • Carpenter


  • Construction (General)

    Construction (General)

  • Other


  • Plumber/Pipefitter


  • Software Engineer

    Software Engineer

Thousands of students have launched their academic and professional dreams at SRJC since it was founded in 1918, and many are now successful business and community leaders.

We are committed to continuing the legacy of providing relevant and stimulating classes for approximately 30,000 enrolled students. The staff and faculty at SRJC come to work daily with the mission of making a great college better. Everyone has the capacity to be an energetic leader, and collectively we can advance the college forward. We are paying close attention to new ideas and technologies, and are adapting our programs to serve evolving workplace needs. SRJC offers classes for students aspiring to transfer to a four-year college as well as those pursuing an educational pathway to a new career in one of 160 certificate programs. We are strategically preparing local residents for emerging jobs and industries, and have cultivated strong relationships with area workforce leaders.


Start your career today.

Learn more
1501 Mendocino Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

(707) 527-4011


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